02 April 2003, 16:55
Agaguseynov, Tofik Yakub ogly
Azerbaijani military man and statesman. Colonel general.
Born February 1, 1923, in the city of Sheki in Azerbaijani republic. Graduated from high school in 1940 and entered Azerbaijani Industrial Institute. When the USSR engaged in the WWII in 1941, was mobilized to the Red Army and directed to the Baku Anti-Aircraft Artillery College. After finishing the accelerated course in 1942, was sent to Air-Defense division in Archangel as a section leader. Participated in defending Archangel and Severodvinsk from rival air force and air defense of the provision seatrains from America.
In 1944, the military body where Agaguseynov served was relocated to the First Byelorussian Front. He participated in Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.
Upon the end of the war, entered the Department of Air Defense Commanding of the Dzerzhinsky Military Academy in 1949. Graduated in 1954, was rated as a major and appointed Air Defense Division Commander in the city of Baku. In 1955, transferred to the Air Defense Headquarters of Baku District as a Training Department officer. Starting 1958, was consecutively deputy commander of air-defense regiment and commander of the regiment in 1960-1964, deputy commander of the Tenth Air Defense Division in 1964-1967 and commander of this division. In February 1968, was rated as a major general. In August 1969, was appointed the commander of the Twelfth Air Defense Corps. In July 1975, became the first deputy commander of Baku Air Defense District; in 1980, became the commander of Air Defense Forces of Transcaucasian District. In 1982, T. Y. Agaguseynov was appointed the Representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Warsaw Pact Armed Forces to the Air Defense Commander of Czechoslovakia.
In 1987, Agaguseynov was demobilized as a colonel general. In April 1997, reinstated in the military in the National Army of Azerbaijani Republic and appointed Azerbaijani President's Aide for military issues.
Colonel general T.Y. Agaguseynov was awarded the order of October Revolution (orden Oktyabrskoy Revolutsii), First Order of the Patriotic War (orden Otechestvennoy Voyny pervoy stepeni), three Orders of the Red Star (orden Krasnoy Zvezdy), order of the Red Star (orden Krasnoy Zvezdy) of Czechoslovak Republic, and 25 medals.
Lives and works in Baku.
Комментирование через Кавказский узел