
July 23, 2024 22:56

  • KBR woman fined for disrespecting the anthem

    A court in the Chegem District has fined a local woman by 3000 roubles for refusing to stand during the playing of the Russian anthem. This is the ninth fine under this article after the publication of a video from a graduation at a Nalchik school in social networks.

July 23, 2024 21:15

July 22, 2024 19:57

July 21, 2024 23:55

July 17, 2024 18:12

  • Activist Olga Begretova challenges court’s decision in her lawsuit against FSB

    In Nalchik, a court which recognized the FSB’s refusal to provide the collected data as legal, did not take into account the facts proving that the check at the airport in Mineralnye Vody was carried out on behalf of the FSB. The above has been claimed by activist Olga Begretova in her appeal, the “Memorial” Centre for Human Rights Defence (CHRD)* reports.

July 16, 2024 22:26

July 14, 2024 23:16

  • Network users support North-Caucasian Muftis' protest against ban on wearing niqabs

    The Muslims' Coordination Centre of Northern Caucasus (MCCNC) has asked the Russian President not to pass a bill banning religious clothing. The Muftis of Northern Caucasus have stated that this ban violates believers' rights. Commentators in social networks have supported the Muftis' appeal, noting that this initiative has already split the society.

July 12, 2024 21:52

  • Analysts comment on Kadyrov’s dispute with ICRF’s chair Bastrykin

    Statements voiced by Alexander Bastrykin regarding the migration policy and the religious overtones of the terror acts in Dagestan caused astonishment among Muslims, political analyst Ali Magamadov notes. A dispute between Ramzan Kadyrov and Alexander Bastrykin highlighted the claims of the leader of Chechnya to be the defender of all Muslims, a former teacher from Grozny believes.

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