
All Chechnya News

October 21, 2024 23:16

October 21, 2024 21:58

October 20, 2024 21:36

  • Kadyrov boasts of another award

    Ramzan Kadyrov has announced the receipt of a jubilee medal in connection with the 25th anniversary of re-establishment of the FSB (Russian Federal Security Service) Branch in Chechnya, emphasizing that his medal is No. 1.

October 20, 2024 20:05

October 19, 2024 23:53

October 19, 2024 23:08

October 19, 2024 22:46

October 19, 2024 21:46

October 18, 2024 17:55

  • Dagestani analysts assess Melikov’s words in support of Kerimov

    When speaking out in support of Suleiman Kerimov after the threats voiced by Ramzan Kadyrov, Sergey Melikov, the leader of Dagestan, has reduced the degree of the conflict, journalists believe. At the same time, Dagestani public figure Bulach Chankalaev reported criticism from officials because of his statement about the need to reconcile Suleiman Kerimov and Ramzan Kadyrov.

October 18, 2024 16:59

  • Law enforcers release Ingush imam after search

    The police have completed a search at the imam Mukhammad Tamaskhanov’s house. The imam who criticized the authorities in connection with the deaths of Ingush residents in a shooting near an office of the “Wildberries” Company is at large. The above information has been reported by the “Fortanga” portal.

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