
July 20, 2024 22:56

July 16, 2024 22:26

July 14, 2024 23:16

  • Network users support North-Caucasian Muftis' protest against ban on wearing niqabs

    The Muslims' Coordination Centre of Northern Caucasus (MCCNC) has asked the Russian President not to pass a bill banning religious clothing. The Muftis of Northern Caucasus have stated that this ban violates believers' rights. Commentators in social networks have supported the Muftis' appeal, noting that this initiative has already split the society.

July 14, 2024 22:31

  • Lawyers treat request of KChR's MIA about Muslim clothing in schools as illegal

    The campaign to combat Muslim headdresses poses a threat of persecuting Muslims, the human rights defender believes. Lawyers have treated the request lodged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic (KChR) demanding to provide information about the pupils and teachers wearing Muslim headdresses as a violation of laws, the right to the freedom of religion and access to education.

July 12, 2024 21:52

  • Analysts comment on Kadyrov’s dispute with ICRF’s chair Bastrykin

    Statements voiced by Alexander Bastrykin regarding the migration policy and the religious overtones of the terror acts in Dagestan caused astonishment among Muslims, political analyst Ali Magamadov notes. A dispute between Ramzan Kadyrov and Alexander Bastrykin highlighted the claims of the leader of Chechnya to be the defender of all Muslims, a former teacher from Grozny believes.

July 11, 2024 19:33

  • KChR’s MIA requests teachers’ and pupils’ dress code data

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic (KChR) has demanded from heads of city and district administrations to provide information about the teachers and students who attend schools wearing clothes with religious attributes.

July 09, 2024 23:58

  • North-Ossetian Muftiate supports banning niqabs

    The Spiritual Administration of Muslims (SAM or Muftiate) of North Ossetia recommends that believers refuse to wear niqabs, the republic’s Deputy Mufti has stated, noting that a complete ban on niqabs would be contrary to the Russian laws.

July 09, 2024 23:54

July 08, 2024 19:55

July 08, 2024 19:38

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Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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