05 June 2009, 19:00

Court postpones hearing of Nemtsov's claim on cancellation of Sochi Mayor election

Today, the Tsentralny District Court of Sochi has postponed for the third time the preliminary hearing of the claim lodged by oppositional politician Boris Nemtsov with a demand to cancel the outcomes of the election of the city Mayor. The hearing failed for absence of respondents from the electoral commission and Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on May 14 Boris Nemtsov, former candidate for Sochi Mayor, filed a claim to the Tsentralny District Court of Sochi with a demand to cancel the election outcomes.

According to Alexander Glushenkov, Mr Nemtsov's advocate, the preliminary hearing of the claim is closed for the press. Later, at considering the claim on the merits, the court plans to open the trial, as reported by "Gazeta.Ru".

"We've presented proofs of violations made in the course of the election and data on the broadcasting time allocated to candidates by local TV channels," Mr Glushenkov said after the court session.

Judge Afonkina has appointed the next session for June 26 at 10:00 a.m. Moscow time. The "Interfax" adds that the date of consideration of the claim on the merits was not defined.

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