25 September 2003, 16:02

Interview with Chechen presidential contender Kudus Saduyev

Saduyev Kudus Vakhidovich, 1956 year born, higher education, deputy director general of the "Grozneftegaz" corporation.

- Would you tell of your biography?

- I was born in the village of Borodulikha in the Semipalatinsk region. I am an engineer-geologist by profession. I hold different posts in the oil industry of Kazakhstan. Since 2000 I have been working for the "Rosneftegaz" union. I have been repeatedly elected member of the union's board of directors.

- Why did you decide to propose yourself as candidate?

- Because these elections are the most important for the people of Chechnya today. The future of not only Chechnya, but Russia as well depends on their results. I think I have a moral right to run for these elections as I live with my people and know about their misfortunes not by hearsay, I have managerial experience, represent the leading republican industry and am eager to restore it.

- Who are your voters?

- I direct at the young people, consider them to be the society's primary driving force, and intend to involve them in the process of the republic's revival by creating workplaces and conditions for sport and cultural leisure development.

- How do you estimate a current situation in the Chechen Republic? How much does information presented by the central media correspond with the real state of affairs?

- I hold all the people of Chechnya show very high civil activity, take a keen interest in processes taking place in the society. I have to visit different parts of the republic, and I have not met indifferent people. All of those whom I meet perfectly understand that the process of the return to normal, peaceful life is not an easy one, it is mated with the necessity of making difficult decisions, even unpopular sometimes.

The special theme, which people worry so much about, is despotism of "werewolves in camouflage". Who hides behind those masks? This question must have an answer. As for the dilemma "Chechnya-Ichkeria", there is no need to put the question in such a way any longer, at least, inside Chechnya. With the president of the Chechen Republic being elected, nothing will remain of Ichkeria's legitimacy. Aslan Maskhadov is politically dead.  He is a yesterday. Chechnya can not constantly look back, it should advance swiftly.

The work of the central media, as it is generally recognized, is as far from the unbiased coverage of the Chechen reality as before. Journalists in Moscow perform special orders of various political circles. The ideology produced by the media is aimed at presenting the Chechens as enemies, at justifying military expenses and violence of the military.

- What will be your practical steps if you win the elections?

- My first steps will follow from the very first tasks, and they are peace and stability. In securing these major conditions, I expect the authorities of the republic's head to be extended due to the presidential chair. The president must be a completed master in Chechnya. All security agencies must be under his control. This will save the population from the despotism of people in a military uniform. The amnesty of members of illegal armed units must be continued. My first steps will be in many respects determined by new authorities. Much will depend on them.

- Would you tell of your election program?

- The priority direction of my election program is an immediate restoration of the republican oil-processing complex. This year we plan to drive oil production to 2 million tons. Gas production is expected to be at the level of 450 million cubic meters. This is eight times as much as the production of 2001. I want oil and gas to serve people. My team and I know how to do it. There is a detailed program in the field of the youth organization, and we are ready to put it into practice.

- Who do you consider to be your principal rival?

- Akhmad Kadyrov.

- How do you estimate your odds for success?

- I will say the only thing: I want to win.

- What are the peculiarities of your election campaign?

- I am an oil industry specialist and I know how to use its main riches with the most benefit for the republic. I think it is my real advantage over the candidates.

- How is the election campaign going?

- I can not say that there are contenders who use so-called shady technologies, that we, the contenders, are not correct in respect of each other. I do not make serious claims on the course of the election campaign.

- Do you believe the votes will be fairly counted?

- I have no grounds to doubt of election commission officials' decency. These are not their first elections.

- Does it mean you do not face any breaches, difficulties?

- Yes, it does.

- Your attitude towards the counter-terrorist operation?

- It is going rather hard, of course, with large expenses, but its today's step can not be compared with the one that was a year of two ago. Mass special actions are in the past. The number of mistakes during addressed actions is becoming smaller. I am not going to idealize the situation, of course, innocent people disappear today too, but the scope is not the same as before. There is a progress.

Author: Ruslan Umarov, CK correspondent Source: Caucasian Knot

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