Chechnya. Photo by

30 July 2009, 18:00

Zakaev: many Umarov's supporters will obey warfare moratorium in Chechnya

Ahmed Zakaev, former emissary of Chechen separatists, has no doubts that the order to stop operations against Chechen militia by the armed forces of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (ChRI) that was recently adopted will be also executed by Doku Umarov's supporters. Mr Zakaev himself told this to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

He told about some details of the decision on unilateral ceasefire against power agencies of Chechnya, passed last Saturday, on July 25, at a joint session of the parliament and government of the self-proclaimed ChRI.

"I have no doubts that those formations in the territory of the Chechen Republic, whom this order is addressed to, will obey it. The Chief of the Joint Staff of Armed Forces of the ChRI was instructed to bring the order to the knowledge of armed units and to be in charge of execution thereof. I think he will cope with the mission till the end of this month," Ahmed Zakaev said in his conversation with the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"First of all, this is our good-will gesture. This decision was caused by the need to stop bloodshed and recent radical aggravation of the situation in Chechnya. As to negotiations in Oslo, I'm sure: Abdurakhmanov has come not just to meet and talk to Zakaev. He performed the will of the Russian leadership," Mr Zakaev has added.

When asked by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent about the effect of this decision of ChRI's parliament and government on supporters of the so-called "Imarat Kavkaz", headed by field commander Doku Umarov, Ahmed Zakaev said that he had no doubts that this decision will be followed by all the subdivisions subordinated to Ichkeria's agencies. "As to supporters of Doku Umarov, I wouldn't say at once that it matters nothing for them at all. I think there'll be quite a lot among Umarov's supporters who will listen to us," said the contact of the "Caucasian Knot".

Let us note here that Zakaev also believes that his arrival to Chechnya is prevented, in particular, by the accusations put forward against him by the Russian Prosecutor's Office. "If I have to litigate in a political trial with the Russian party or its representatives, I have to be both in Chechnya and abroad. For this purpose Russia should destroy all the barriers to this end. In particular, I mean the criminal cases initiated there, and many other things," he said in his interview to the "Georgian Times", published on July 28.

Author: Alexander Zhukov Source: CK correspondent

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