03 October 2003, 18:36

Interview with Husein Biybulatov, candidate for Chechen presidency

The interview with the candidate for the Chechen presidency was conducted via phone by Roman Rostov, a "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

- Husein Gezikhadjievich, would you tell of yourself a little, please?

- I was born on March 21, 1939 in the village of Tsotsi-Yurt, the Kurchaloy district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (CIASSR). I graduated from the Rostov Finance and Economic Institute, the All-Union Correspondence Food Industry Institute, the Academy of Social Sciences. I started my labor activity at the Argun sugar-refinery. Then I worked at the state farm "Djalka" in the village of Shali. I was First Secretary of the Nozhay-Yurt CPSU District Committee. I was elected deputy of the Chechen-Ingush republic twice, was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and CIASSR State Planning Committee Chairman.

I held leading positions in the Chechen-Ingush ASSR and the Russian Government. In 1996-1997 I was Co-Chairman of the Russian-Chechen Joint Commission for Political Adjustment of Relationships Between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic. A candidate of economic science. I was awarded a medal "For Military Valor".

- Why did you decide to propose yourself as candidate for the republic's presidency?

- You see, the label has been stuck on the Chechens recently the bottom of which is that the Chechens solve everything through power and money. Through illegal money, I should specify. I want to prove to the world our people solve everything by mind. The Chechens are not silly people, you know. I will give you an example. In the Soviet times 75 percent of Chechens applying for post-graduate studies succeeded, while this index for the people of other regions barely exceeded 50 percent.

I hope I will manage to prove to the entire world that money does not settle everything and the label which was stuck on us when so called "zheleznyaki" won in 1991 is just a myth. Believe there are a lot of politically literate people among the Chechens, worthy patriots of the nation, who are able to make their choice deliberately. It is probably a main reason for me to run for the presidency.

Let me remind you that none of the politically literate people could stand for in 1991, in 1995, and, at last, in 1997. All the pre-election work was conducted only for one man, who, unfortunately, had arms in his hands.

- Who are you voters? Who will vote for you?

- My voters are all the Chechen people. And I do not divide my people into peaceful and not peaceful ones. I endeavor to solve the problem of peace in Chechnya only by amicable means. We have been trying to bring peace back to Chechnya by means of arms for ten years. But time shows not everything can be obtained by force. If to keep on setting the Chechens one against another, the war will last for twenty more years. Thus my program differs from the programs of those who think that peace can be brought to Chechen houses only with arms in hands.

- How do you estimate a current situation in the Chechen Republic: the dilemma "Chechnya-Ichkeria" and a situation with the opposition, does it influence the situation in the republic?

- Of course, it does influence the situation. Those who try to strive for Chechnya's independence with arms in their hands are absolutely not right. It is necessary to put up a political struggle, but for normal coexistence, not for independence. Russia is the richest country after all; two thirds of world natural resources are on its territory. We can live worthily just at peace with Russia. I am an economist, and I am sure of what I say. I try to convince of it those who call themselves "fighters for independence".

- If you win the elections, what will be your first steps?

- I have no doubts in my victory. I think 65-75% of the republic's population will second my candidacy. The firs step will be to establish peace. Many talks are to be conducted so that people lay down arms. I hold only legitimate police should be armed. Everybody wants to leave in peace after all. Those who will want to work will work. Let those who will want to study do it. The economic restoration of the republic can be started only after all these things.

- Who do you consider to be your principal rival in the election struggle?

- Akhmad Kadyrov. And Abdula Bugayev to some extent.

- What is your attitude to the events of the last ten years?

- I think international military aggression was committed in Russia. The aim of it was to undermine the economic and military strength of Russia and Islam. Huge money was allotted for it, and everybody has known for a long time already who finances such an activity.

A plan and scenario on how to weaken Russia were worked out long ago. So-called Wahhabi branch establishments were delivered here. And we see the result today. My analytical report is to be published in the nearest future. You see, I have been a participant in the developments taking place since November 1, 1994. They all have taken place before my very eyes. I was a member of Dudayev's government, and Yandarbiyev's one. I know all ins and outs of this war, and it has relation neither to independence nor to Islam.

- How is your election campaign going? Are there any difficulties and surprises in the course of it?

- Unfortunately, yes. The thing is that I can communicate with my voters only by means of the media: TV, radio, and papers. I have no other means. People are afraid of going to the meetings as there are a lot of armed people here. Therefore only Kadyrov can meet with voters.

As for the mass media, some incidents have occurred. My appearances were taken away from the air twice.

- What was the reason of it?

- They said I had knocked the situation in the Chechen Republic while giving my appraisal on it. I consider some "forces" that are playing their dirty games works about it.

- Husein Gezikhadjievich, thank you for your interview. We wish you good luck in the forthcoming elections.

Author: Roman Rostov, CK correspondent Source: Caucasian Knot

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