20 October 2009, 23:00

An inmate murdered in a Chechen colony

The Prosecutor's Office of Chechnya has conducted a check on the fact of detection of a body of a convict with traces of murder in the territory of the colony-settlement (UKP) of the Corrective Establishment No. 2 of the Russian Correction Service (known as "UFSIN") for Chechnya, located in the city of Argun.

As reported by the press service of the Prosecutor's Office of Chechnya, one of the reasons of the death of the convict was inadequate fulfilment by employees of the colony of their official duties of permanent surveillance over the inmates and ensuring their safety.

Thus, according to the Prosecutor's Office, in violation of part 1, Article 129, of the Criminal Corrective Code of the Russian Federation, a number of inmates, including the casualty, lived in a premise of the industrial zone, located at 800 meters away from the main buildings and hostels, which contradicts the provisions fro serving terms in colony-settlement, as the "Rosbalt" writes.

The Prosecutor's Office has noted that the territory of the colony from the side of the industrial zone had no fencing, warning signs and technical means for supervising the inmates.

The above violations, in the opinion of the Office, promoted "the uncontrolled penetration of the culprits who committed the murder into the territory of the corrective establishment."

The press service of the Office has noted that as the follow-up of the Public Prosecutor's reaction, the managers of the territorial entity of the UFSIN took serious measures to eliminate the revealed violations, which contributed to committing the crime. Moreover, for inadequate execution of official duties, 8 employees of the criminal-executive system of the republic were brought to strict disciplinary responsibility.

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