21 October 2009, 20:00

Georgia: grenade detonator blows up in hands of a boy of 13

Today, in the village of Dvani, Kartli District of Georgia, Alexander Makhachashvili, 13, found a grenade in the cemetery and decided to bring it home; however, the weapon blew up and wounded him.

As reported by the "Caucasian Knot", peaceful residents quite often become victims of explosions of ordnance found in the conflict zone of Georgia and South Ossetia. Thus, on April 6, in the Gori District of Georgia, a mine explosion seriously wounded a boy of 14.

Now, Alexander Makhachashvili is at military hospital in Gori, where doctors try to save his hand, as reported by the "GHN".

The "Georgia Online" reports that villagers demand to check the territory for possible presence of other explosive articles.

Earlier, the police had disseminated warnings among the population of buffer zones about increased related to the shells remaining from the August conflict. However, facts are still registered, when local residents, especially teenagers, find similar objects and, instead of notifying law enforcers, try to define their origin themselves, often with tragic outcomes.

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