22 October 2009, 23:00

"Children's curfew" introduced in North Ossetia

Today in North Ossetia, local MPs have passed a bill "On Measures to Protect Children's Morals and Health", which in fact introduces a "curfew" for children and teenagers of this republic.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the above bill was adopted in the first reading by the Parliament of North Ossetia on September 24. In the opinion of the speaker Larissa Khabintsova, the new law opens broad opportunities for interaction of the family, authorities and public bodies in the upbringing process.

According to the "Interfax", among other things, the document prohibits any children's and teenagers' presence from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. without accompanying adults "in public places, including streets, stadiums, parks, squares mini-parks and public transport facilities."

The Moscow Post adds that this provision also refers to stay of children in places with access to the Internet, in facilities of trade, public catering, entertainment and leisure, where retail sale of alcoholic beverages is exercised."

Let us note here that the bill also introduces restrictions on printed and audiovisual products for children and teenagers in the age of up to 18 years.

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