12 November 2009, 22:10

Russian MIA head treats Dymovskiy's statements as slander

The facts about violations in the militia, presented by Militia Major Alexei Dymovskiy from Novorossisk in his video appeal, have not been confirmed yet and are regarded by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia as slander. This was stated by Rashid Nurgaliev, Russian Interior Minister. According to his version, the investigatory bodies are not engaged in any inquiry on Major Alexei Dymovskiy's statements, so far, the service check is underway.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Militia Major from Novorossisk Alexei Dymovskiy placed in the Internet his video appeal to Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, in which he told about numerous malversations committed by militia bosses, in particular, GUVD heads of Novorossisk. The Major asked the Premier about a personal meeting.

"The officers who were touched by these statements have filed applications to judicial instances," Minister Nurgaliev said today.

Answering to a journalist's question whether he considered Dymovskiy's allegations as slander, Mr Nurgaliev said: "According to the documents handed over to judicial instances - yes," the "Interfax" reports.

Let us note here that after Major Alexei Dymovskiy from Novorossisk, a former Militia Major from Komi also used the Internet for an open appeal, this time to President Medvedev, as Radio Liberty has reported. In his video appeal, Mikhail Evseev decided to acquaint the head of the state with the facts that in the Republic of Komi and, in particular, in Ukhta, where the Major had served, cases were fabricated against innocent citizens.

The "Novye Izvestia" writes that any appearance of Major-denouncer Alexei Dymovskiy in TV news programmes was unofficially banned. In spite of the fact that his press conference in Moscow was attended a record number of journalists and dozens TV cameras, not a single central TV Channel put the report on air.

Kirill Kabanov, President of the National Anticorruption Committee is sure that "bosses of Channel One and Channel 'Rossiya' have resorted to self-censorship."

Nikolai Svanidze, a member of the Public Chamber has assumed that the television "boycott" of the Novorossisk Major can be attributed to the caution of television bosses: "He's an unclear person. Therefore, they're afraid to put him on TV. Either he's a real fighter for the truth, or just an adventurist."

Political scientist Dmitri Oreshkin, head of the Mercator Group and the leading scientific employee of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said in his interview to the "Polit.ru" that the case with Dymovskiy can be considered as a particular blunder in the cadre selection policy and "as stupidity of militia bosses."

The political scientist is sure that should they have been a bit cleverer, they would have understood who and what Major Dymovskiy was, and just would not have loaded him with what they did. A clever boss understands that every person has a limit, a threshold of rascality," Mr Oreshkin has explained and added that the main point here is how the system reacts to such incidents.

Meanwhile, as the "Life News" reports that Dymovskiy's former wife unexpectedly appeared with charges against her former husband before the members of the special commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which arrived to Novorossisk for conducting a check under the order of Minister Rashid Nurgaliev.

According to Irina Dymovskaya, her former husband not just took bribes, being an employee of the service for fighting with illegal drug dealing, but he actively "knocked them out". Most of the money, both his salary and illegally obtained through abuse of his service position, the inveterate gambler Dymovskiy left in the casino.

"For this particular reason he needed endless sick lists," Irina asserts, "they gave him time for his gambling, which Alexei hid from his bosses."

The commanders of Major Alexei Dymovskiy, 32, have publicly answered to his charges: according to militiamen, out of 310 working days in 2009, Alexei was at service only for 62 days. The indicators of the operative-search activities of the division headed by Dymovskiy were treated by his bosses as shocking: "This year Major Dymovskiy and his three subordinates have solved only 14 cases! While the average rate of solving is 60!"

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