18 December 2009, 23:20

In Poland, natives of Chechnya, who captured the train, threaten to commit suicide

The Polish police have addressed the court of the city of Zgorzelec for a sanction to arrest several natives of the Caucasus, who have captured the train Wroclaw-Dresden. Should a criminal case be initiated, three refugees will get under threat of up to three years of imprisonment.

Earlier, it was reported that the Polish Prosecutor's Office would not open a criminal case against the refugees, who captured on Tuesday, December 15, the passenger train Wroclaw-Dresden, because of "the insignificant public harm."

Other refugees stand for release of all the detainees by the Polish police and granting the right to get to Strasbourg. In their turn, some 20 Chechens told journalists that should their demands be ignored they would commit a mass suicide, as the Gazeta Wyborcza writes.

Today, Konstantin Kavtaradze, Georgia's ambassador to Poland, said that 11 out of 32 citizens of Georgia who participated in the incident will be deported. So far, the refugees are in the closed emigration camp.

According to Polish authorities, the incident with capture of the train has presented Poland unfavourably in the eyes of international community. President of Poland Lech Kacinski ordered the MIA to provide him with information about all the refugees and migrants in the country, as the "Interfax" reports.

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