21 May 2010, 22:00

Mutsolgov: Khamzat Tsechoev detained in Ingushetia is accused of keeping weapons

Magomed Mutsolgov, head of the human rights NGO "Mashr", said that Khamzat Tsechoev, a resident of the village of Plievo, who was detained at night on May 19 in Ingushetia, is accused of keeping weapons. Tsechoev is Mutsolgov's driver.

Human rights activist Magomed Mutsolgov told the "Caucasian Knot" about details of Khamzat Tsechoev's detention, who is now kept at the ROVD (District Interior Division) of the city of Magas.

"They came to him at midnight on May 19. His elderly mother, sister and niece, a girl of 13, were at home. The agents broke everything in the house and then made a shot from an under-barrel grenade launcher. The grenade got stuck in the fence. They called a group of the Ministry for Emergencies (MfE) to neutralize the grenade and get it out of the fence. When the federals managed nothing, they called the Ingush militia and said: make a protocol that he has a sub-machine gun. Khamzat's brother was in search as a Wahhabite. He visited a separate mosque; and they started to pursue him. He ran away. And the head of the local GUVD (Chief Interior Department) took Ramzan's elder brother as hostages. He is now convicted; and his younger brother was lost three years ago. Power agents know this all," said Mutsolgov.

According to the human rights activist, an advocate was hired to defend Tsechoev.

"It's stupidity - to hang a sub-machine gun on him," said Mutsolgov. "He is my driver, and he needs no illegal firearms, as we can officially buy some."

"They are putting people on various lists. We hoped that it's over, but it's not. Power agents force these guys to render armed resistance; they try to drive them into the forest or find a reason to kill them; however these guys live from fair work," the human rights activist asserts.

According to Mr Mutsolgov, during the night search Khamzat Tsechoev was asked about him. "And it was done on the eve of my meeting with the President. Probably, it has to do with Tsechoev's work with me. I can't guess what power agents want," he said.

"In fact, there's no almost authorities' reaction to kidnappings and beatings. Everybody is affected: those whose relatives were killed and those whose relatives are in prison," Mr Mutsolgov asserts. The family had to sell their flat to get money for an advocate; they now live in a cabin."

Zarema Tsechoeva, the detainee's sister, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that valuable things disappeared from the house in the course of the search. "But that's nothing for us; we just want our brother to come back home. There were no witnesses at the search," she said.

Now, Khamzat's relatives, as they assert, are not allowed to see him without any explanations of the reasons.

As reported by lawyer Magomed Gagiev, they continue demanding confessions from Khamzat of keeping weapons; however, Khamzat would not do it.

Mr Gagiev has added that he saw bruises in Tsechoev's face, and his eye is strongly injured.

"I think he was beaten at detention; they wouldn't do it at the ROVD; there, they sooner press him psychologically, trying to intimidate. He said that they threatened to bring his elderly mother and charge her," said the lawyer.

The ROVD of Magas confirmed that Khamzat Tsechoev was really there, but refused to make any comments on his case.

Author: Lydia Mikhalchenko Source: CK correspondent

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