31 May 2010, 23:20

In Rostov-on-Don, militia did not detain oppositionists at non-sanctioned rally

Today in Rostov-on-Don activists of oppositional organizations gathered to a rally in support of Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was not sanctioned by the authorities. Law enforcers did not detain the protesters.

Some 50 persons came to the rally, which had been applied for 6:00 p.m. in Bolshaya Sadovaya Street not far from Gorki Park. They were surrounded by journalists with photo and video cameras. There were also militiamen in uniform.

People tried to get into the park; however, the militiamen would not let them in. Having waited for some time under militia's supervision, the participants of the failed rally moved along the street towards Voroshilov Avenue to the residence of the Russian President's Plenipotentiary in the SFD (Southern Federal District).

Not all of them reached the residence; they stood for some time near the building and then dispersed without unfolding their posters.

As reported by a lady-participant of the rally near the Gorki Park, who held the poster "Freedom of speech to Khodorkovsky's trial!", "if not for journalists, the action would have failed today."

"We would have been all detained near houses and apartments. They let me know that there was such command. I'm not the highest figure in the organization, but from three in the afternoon five persons stood near my entrance. They were dressed as civilians, but presented themselves as OBEP (Department to Fight Economic Crime). The only person in uniform was the district militiaman," said an elderly woman, who presented herself as a member of the "Solidarity" Movement and who came to the event with her granddaughter.

According to her story, the event was mainly attended by the members of the United Civil Front (UCF) and "Solidarity", headed by local leaders of the opposition - Boris Batyi (UCF) and Pavel Nagibin ("The Other Russia").

Actions in defence of Article 31 of the Russian Constitution, which entitles citizens to freely and peacefully gather for expressing their opinions, are held by the opposition in different cities of Russia on the 31st day of every month that has 31 days.

Author: Natalia Bazhenova Source: CK correspondent

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