Tbilisi policemen detain oppositional protesters in front of the Chief Interior Administration. July 15, 2009. Photo by http://yugo-vostok.org

17 June 2010, 21:00

Anniversary of protest action dispersal in Tbilisi passed without excesses

On June 15, a 30-minute protest action was held at the building of the former Chief Police Administration of Tbilisi. About 80 protesters wanted to remind about the events on June 15, 2009, when in that very place policemen dispersed a rally of the opposition by applying physical violence and arrested several participants, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

This year, the participants of the action were activists of the Institute for Equality, oppositional movement "November 7" and other oppositionists. They came to the police administration to remind about last year's arrests.

The participants of the action have hung a blood-stained shirt of one of the participants of the rally in 2009 at the building of police administration as a symbol of violence.

The oppositionists said that until now nobody of the high-ranking police officials was punished for the last year's events, not even dismissed; they reconfirmed their intention to further strain efforts towards punishing those guilty.

The action was not long and passed without any interference of policemen, who had no claims to the protesters this time.

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