13 December 2010, 23:55

Woman killed by explosion at military factory in Azerbaijan

Today in Baku, at the factory named "Radiogurashdyrma" and belonging to the Ministry of Defence Industry of Azerbaijan, an explosion took place. One female worker was killed; another one was taken to hospital.

The explosion occurred at about 9:30 a.m., and was followed by a fire. As a result of efforts of fire fighters, the fire was localized. Now, possible reasons are being established.

As reported by the IA "APA" with reference to the Khatain District Police Office, the casualty was Imaret Dzhafarova, 50; besides, Almaz Velieva, 56, was injured. The fire was in the shop, where tracks for armoured vehicles are manufactured.

Let us remind you that on November 3 five members of one family were injured by explosion in the district of Govsany in the capital of Azerbaijan. On August 13 five persons suffered in a blast, triggered in a single-story residential building in the Nasimin District of Baku.

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