04 January 2011, 23:30

Lithuania will try to strengthen OSCE's role in settling Transcaucasian conflicts

Lithuania, which will chair the OSCE in 2011, plans to revive the solution process of frozen conflicts, including those in Transcaucasia, said Audronius Ažubalis, Foreign Minister of Lithuania.

"Being members of the European Union and NATO, we'll try to attract not only our neighbours, such as Russia, but also the EU. We will try to attract individual EU members, such as Germany, which has initiated certain processes in Transdniestria," said the head of Lithuanian diplomacy.

Mr Ažubalis made it clear that conflicts with participation of Georgia were also meant. "If we talk about Georgia, we should try to restore the OSCE presence in the whole territory of Georgia," the "InterpressNews" quotes the Lithuanian Minister as saying.

Among other priorities of Lithuania's chairmanship of the OSCE, the Head of the Lithuanian Foreign Office named economic relations, energy safety, as well as support for democracy, the "DW-World.de" reports.

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