29 March 2011, 22:30

North Ossetia: Beslan resident detained for false call that polyclinic was mined

In the morning on March 28 employees of the Pravoberezhny ROVD (District Interior Division) of North Ossetia detained the resident of the republic who on March 25 reported to the on duty unit of the Beslan OVD that an explosion device had been planted in the building of the polyclinic.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that in Beslan on March 25 the polyclinic was evacuated after a call was made that the building was mined.

"At the moment the detainee - Batraz Gusalov, born in 1958, a resident of the village of Olginskoe, - makes a confession," said Alla Akhpolova, head of the press service of the republic's MIA.

According to the detainee, on March 25, on his way to Nalchik, being in the state of alcoholic intoxication, he called the police and reported that the polyclinic had been mined. Thus, in his words, he wanted to revenge on the doctors of the polyclinic for their indifference.

Gusalov suffers from a chronic disease and is on the dispensary account at this medical establishment. According to his story, doctors did not give him proper attention, the "Interfax" quotes Ms Akhpolova as saying.

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