28 March 2011, 23:00

Court session on "Kadyrov vs. Orlov" case reappointed for April 18

Today, the Khamovniki District Court of Moscow tried to continue the litigation "Ramzan Kadyrov versus Oleg Orlov". However, after Andrei Krasnenkov, legal representative of the head of Chechnya, failed to appear in the courtroom, the trial was postponed till April 18.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that at the beginning of the session Genry Reznik, defendant's advocate, announced loudly that "the trial will not go."

This time half of the benches were removed from the courtroom; and only 15 persons could be present at the trial. Others had to stay in the corridor and asked Oleg Orlov to petition for letting them in. Bailiffs explained the removal of benches by fire safety reasons.

The court session on the case began, and the secretary said that the representative of the victim Kadyrov was unable to appear in court, as he "was busy in some other litigation."

"We can't be held hostage of the victim's representative," said Mr Reznik. "I have no complaints to the court or the prosecutor's office. But the prosecution party is protracting the process. In principle, if the court considers his attendance not mandatory, we can go on without him."

The judge explained in response: "The telegrams and the subpoenas that we sent to Kadyrov had no effect. We don't know whether they reached the addressee and whether he knows that we wait for him in the courtroom."

According to the judge, Krasnenkov had asked to move the process on April 12, because Ramzan Kadyrov is on vacation up to that day.

As a result, the judge decided to reappoint the hearing on April 18.

Meanwhile, Kheda Saratova, head of the Information Agency "Objective" issued a video appeal to the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov asking him "to stop the process" against Orlov. "The trial will bring no good to anyone. We'll not revive those perished. The fact that Oleg's words had touched you somehow is understandable. Your attitude to it is also clear; however, Oleg's reaction is also clear. I remember my own condition, when I heard about what happened to Natasha. Each of us lived differently through it. Therefore, as a Chechen woman, I ask you to stop this trial," said Saratova.

Author: Lydia Mikhalchenko Source: CK correspondent

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