06 May 2011, 18:00

A resident of North Osetia who abducted a bride in Volgodonsk detained in Rostov region

The police personnel of Rostov region detained three young "abductors of a bride". The kidnapped girl, resident of Volgodonsk, was returned home safely. 

The failed bride, a girl of 19, was kidnapped in the center of Volgodonsk. During the investigation it emerged that the organizer of kidnapping got to know his beloved on the Net. About a year the young people corresponded actively, then the young man decided to start action. 

According to the custom, the girl was forced into a car and carried away to an unknown place. 

The operative agents found the suspect's photo in the internet. It was established that a guy who looked like him by description was noticed in a company of a girl in Dubovsky district of Rostov region, "Interfax" reports. 

The personnel of the Center of struggle against extremism in cooperation with teams of State Traffic Safety Inspectorate detained three participants and the victim of kidnapping at the gate of the settlement, web-site of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Rostov region reports. 

The three supposed kidnappers were detained after a receptionist of one of the hotels indentified the suspect by photofit picture, radio "Mayak" reports.

Together with the "fiancé", native of North Osetia, two of his friends residing in Krasnodar region were detained. They had agreed to be his "kunaks" (friends), web-site of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Rostov region reports.

The personnel of law enforcement bodies found drugs and a combat grenade on the kidnappers. A criminal case was initiated against the abductors according to clause "Kidnapping" of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Besides, the young men may be criminally liable on two more clauses of the Criminal code: "Illegal storage of arms and ammunition" and "Illegal storage of drugs". 

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