15 September 2011, 18:00

Defense of the defendants on the case of "Urvan jama'at" in Rostov insists on the defendants' being not privy to extremism

On September, 14, the parties of the case of "Urvan jama'at" (Kabardino-Balkaria) spoke in a debate in North-Caucasian military circuit. The defendants and their attorneys asked the court to re-qualify a number of clauses in the case and also not to impose life imprisonment.

It should be reminded that figurants of the case of "Urvan jama'at" are eight residents of Kabardino-Balkaria accused of involvement in a paramilitary group, a murder and an attempt at a militiaman. On September, 9, state prosecutor demanded from 18 years to life imprisonment in a strict regime colony for the defendants. 

At the session of September, 14, the defendants' attorneys asked the court to mitigate the punishment to their clients. In the opinion of the defense party, the defendants had been members of an armed gang, not a paramilitary group. 

The defense also considers that Alim Bitokhov accused of organizing the paramilitary group, a so-called "Urvan jama'at", and other defendants had professed traditional of Islam and had nothing to do with extremist religious trends, "Interfax-Yug" reports. 

According to two Bitokhov's attorneys, their client should be discharged on a number of crimes he is accused of and be tried only on his assault at collecting agents which he confessed to and regretted of. 

"I think the punishment for the crimes Bitokhov confessed to will be as severe for Alim Borisovich to have enough time for consciousness of his guilt. And he will have a stimulus to turn over a new leaf in order to meet his children in 20 or 25 years", one of the two Bitokhov's attorneys said. 

Bitokhov himself supported this position and asked the court not to impose life imprisonment on him, RIA "Novosti" reports.

Today's trial will be continued, the rest three attorneys will speak in court and the verdict is expected at the end of the month, "Commersant" quotes Alena Zhitnik, Press secretary of North-Caucasian military circuit (NCMC). 

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