28 September 2011, 22:10

Society "Memorial" in Moscow invites to housewarming party


On October 1, the Society "Memorial" opens its new Moscow house, purchased and equipped with the help of Russian and foreign sponsors. On the housewarming day, employees will show the interior for all the guests, announce their future programs, expose the gathered museum and archive collections and tell about new opportunities and services of their organization.

The programme of the event, which will officially start at midday Moscow time, includes screening of the film "Submission" (2008) directed by Sergey Loznitsa, tour around the new premises, and presentation of the museum, library and archive of the "Memorial".

At 3:00 p.m., the presentation and discussion of materials for the future joint performance of the Theatre.doc and the "Memorial" will take place: documents and letters from the archive of the "Memorial".

At 4:30, the reading will start: "Ulitskaya. Khodorkovsky. Dialogues" - a joint project of the Joseph Beuys Theatre and Sakharov Centre; the reading will be followed by a discussion.

At 6:30, the poet Lev Rubinstein will read his works.

The event will end with a buffet table, while children will face a special programme, says the message of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", received by the "Caucasian Knot".

The event will be held at No. 5/10 Karetny Ryad, Moscow.

The International Historical, Educational, Human Rights and Charitable Society "Memorial" is a non-governmental organization, whose initial main goal was to preserve the memory of political repressions in the USSR.

The International Society "Memorial" has repeatedly and resolutely criticized attempts to rehabilitate Stalin and against political campaigns aimed "to restore the good name" of the former Soviet leader. According to the "Memorial", there are about eight hundred thousand victims of Stalin repression. These include not only the repressed people as such, but also their children, who remained without parental care because of persecutions.

The "Memorial" is also investigating the consequences of deportation of entire nations in the Soviet Union during World War II. According to the Society, in 1943-1944, 485,000 residents were deported from Chechnya and Ingushetia; 101,000 - from Kalmykia; 70,000 - from Karachay-Cherkessia; and 37,000 - from Kabardino-Balkaria. The count of deportation victims among Meskhetian Turks and other Transcaucasian nations was 100,000.


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