29 September 2011, 19:00

A Finnish priest who came out in opposition to "Kavkaz Center" suspended from office


Religious Capitul (board) of the Finnish town of Espoo decided to suspend pastor Yuha Molari from office for three months for criticism of "Kavkaz Center" web-site. 

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" reported that on March, 29, Religious Capitul of Espoo had already held up his duties. 

It should be reminded that Yuha Molari repeatedly set up public claims to close up the web-site for advocacy of terrorism and in October, 2010, he appealed to law enforcement bodies of the country asking to take measures about the threats he received from terrorists. However, the police considered the demand of closing up the web-site groundless and refused starting criminal proceedings in connection with the threats to the priest. 

On March, 8, this year, the police of Finland interrogated pastor Molari who publicly criticized the activities of "Kavkaz Center". His fingerprints and photos were taken.   

"Molari was punished because he demanded reaction from law enforcement bodies to the activities of "Kavkaz Center" and organized a picket against the web-site", "Interfax" quotes Johan Beckman, Head of Anti-fascist Committee of Finland.

Besides, Molari speaks of the threats he received from leader of Caucasian separatists Dokku Umarov, web-site of "BBC Russian Service" reports. 

Meanwhile, in Russia in the middle of September Nikulinsky court of Moscow acknowledged "Kavkaz Center" and its mirror sites as extremist ones. 


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