29 September 2011, 20:00

The death of two more soldiers of statutory service at the firing range of Ashuluk confirmed in Astrakhan

The military reported loss of two more soldiers of statutory service after Russian-Byelorussian manoeuvres "Union Shield-2011" which passed off in "Ashuluk" firing range, Astrakhan region. 

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" reported that a soldier of statutory service perished during practice flights and range practice on September, 20, in "Ashuluk" firing range. One more serviceman got wounded. 

On September, 26, soldier Denis Chudakov who had been called in service from Astrakhan region perished. According to preliminary data, he was guarding an echelon in the station of Seroglazovka where shipment of military hardware after the end of Russian-Byelorussian manoeuvres was going on. 

"He came up too close to the railroad bed and was caught on by a passing train", "Commersant" quotes Major General Vladimir Gradusov, commander of the military firing range of Military Air Forces of Russia. 

Military Investigative Department of Committee of Inquiry of the Russian Federation started an inspection on the fact of another soldier's death in Astrakhan region.

According to the investigators, in the morning of September, 24, after a forced overnight stay in a tent soldier of statutory service Artem Kunaev who had participated in the manoeuvres (called in service from Saratov region) was found dead. 

The military explain that after the manoeuvres a motorcade was following from Ashuluk to its dislocation point, the settlement of Chapchachi, Kharabalinsky district, but one of the cars broke down and technical aid was expected only in the morning, therefore the soldiers stayed for the night. According to preliminary data, the soldier died from heart failure or renal impairment. 

An investigative group from military department of the Caspian flotilla is working on the scene of the accident. Forensic medical examination for finding out the cause of the serviceman's death will be carried out, "Vesti. Stavropolye" TV channel reports.

We will remind that on August, 23, another incident in "Ashuluk" firing range took pace which resulted in soldiers' death: ammunition exploded during its utilization. According to a preliminary version, the explosion was caused by a spontaneous launch of a sustainer engine of one of the shells. The military consider an external influence a possible cause of the spontaneous launch. Six soldiers perished and twelve got wounded, two of them later died in hospitals. 

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