The rally "For Fair Elections" in Krasnodar. December 24, 2011. Photo by "Caucasian Knot"

24 December 2011, 18:00

Krasnodar: rally against rigged elections was about 1000-strong

About a thousand persons came in Krasnodar to take part in the rally "For Fair Elections" and express their disagreement with the results of the Russian State Duma elections. The event was coordinated with local authorities.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was reporting online from the rally:

2:47 p.m.: A fence was installed along the perimeter. The entrance is through a metal detector. They checked my bag. About 300 people are already here. Kharitonov has spoken, now Rudomakha is addressing the crowd. In the breaks, they broadcast Viktor Tsoi's songs.

3:56 p.m.: "Ordinary voters" are speaking, scolding Tkachov, Putin, "Churov-false-magician" and their "gang". People are joking and congratulate each other on the holiday. There are several hundreds, but not a thousand yet. No OMON (riot police) in sight. The police are relaxing.

4:01 p.m.: They are broadcasting "Dubinushka". The crowd is signing in tune. Young guys with guitars and in masks with the words "My vote was stolen" get ready to perform.

5:04 p.m.: They end with a song about cannibals. While the guys were singing, policemen in plainclothes tried to detain a young couple who were walking in the direction of the rally. The girl started a scandal; journalists and CPRF members came to the rescue.

5:12 p.m.: People move to the sidewalk and managed to defend the couple. Law enforcers try to disperse the crowd – allegedly, we interfere with the flow of passing people. Shouts are heard: "Aren't we people too?"

Author: Natalia Dorohina Source: CK correspondent

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