09 March 2012, 23:00

Five persons arrested in Azerbaijan after events in Guba

In the context of the recent developments in the Azerbaijani city of Guba, where on March 1 a protest action turned into mass riots, five local residents were arrested.

On March 5, Khayam Yunusov and Murad Zakirov were arrested; and earlier, on March 3, – Alkhas Danyalov, Samir Khammedov and Farkhad Abdurakhmanov. All of them were brought to Baku to the Chief Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). Currently they are kept at the Baku SIZO (pre-trial prison) No. 1, located in the settlement of Kyurdakhani.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed by the Azerbaijani National Committee of the Helsinki Civil Assembly (HCA) that Yunusov is accused of causing damage to another's property. Zakirov was arrested for disorderly conduct.

Rafiga Seidova, who is defending Alkhas Danyalov, said that her client is accused of putting Gabibov's house on fire. However, the latter, while recognizing that he took part in the protest, denies his involvement in the arson.

Gubad Salaev, Ms Seidova colleague, who is defending Khammedov, said that her client is accused under the articles of deliberate causing damage to or destruction of other's property and organization of actions aimed at disturbing public order or participation therein; the latter denies the charges against him.

Law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan, despite the fact that almost 10 days passed after the events, flatly refuse to comment, and do not confirm or reject the reports about detentions.

Sakhib Mamedov, the acting head of the district and the first deputy head of the executive power said that the situation in Guba "is stable, and the population supports the statehood."

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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