30 March 2012, 22:00

Personnel of Krasnoyarsk SIZO checked for involvement into beating of Aslan Cherkesov

The Investigatory Department of the Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory conducts investigation into the fact of beating in the Krasnoyarsk SIZO-1 (pre-trial prison) of Aslan Cherkesov, a native of the city of Nalchik, who was convicted for the murder of the football fan Yegor Sviridov committed in Moscow, and who serves his sentence in the region. This was reported by Olga Volobueva, Senior Assistant of the Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Let us remind you that on March 21, Igor Kuznetsov, the lawyer of Aslan Cherkesov reported on beating of his client in a ward of the Krasnoyarsk SIZO-1. According to the lawyer, when Aslan Cherkesov entered the visiting room, he limped on his right foot, and his face and neck bore abrasions.

The Chief Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (known as FSIN) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory neither confirmed, nor refuted the information about conducting the inspection in respect of staff members of the SIZO and referred to the confidentiality of the information. The Investigatory Department of the ICRF in the Krasnoyarsk Territory confirmed the fact of conducting the inspection and refused to comment, the agency "Interfax-Siberia" reports.

The deadline of the inspection is April 2. On that day, it becomes clear, whether the fact of beating of Aslan Cherkesov by the SIZO staff members is confirmed or not, the Radio Station "Echo Moskvy" reports.

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