31 March 2012, 23:00

Rally against Pussy Riot held in Krasnodar

More than ten thousand people gathered today at a rally in Chistyakov Grove in Krasnodar in support of revival of spiritual and moral values. The event was caused by the "punk prayer" staged in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral by the group named "Pussy Riot".

On February 21, 2012, five girls came to the Cathedral in Moscow, put on masks, approached the altar, switched on their sound-amplifying equipment and sang a song of blasphemous content. Later, three alleged participants of the action were arrested and charged with "hooliganism".

The today's rally in Krasnodar, where the audience condemned the girls' action, passed without incidents. The organizers had claimed 4900 participants – almost half of the crowd that has actually gathered.

"It's not even a rally, but rather a sort of festivity in support of revival of spiritual and moral values. The reason for the event, or the last drop, was not even the 'punk prayer' itself, but rather the debate that takes place around the Pussy Riot's action," the "Interfax" quotes Roman Plyuta, the chairman of the interregional public organization "The Orthodox Union".

The participants of the event came to the park with slogans and posters: "For faith, for Fatherland!", "Down with devilry!", "Kuban is for morality!", "Pussy Riot is not Right", "We need no gay parade!", "Patriarch, we're with you!", "Artist's mission is giving birth to arts", "Raising children is the main mission of family and school", "Conscience is barometer of morality" and "Morality is soul of history", the "Yuga.ru" reports.

Meanwhile in Moscow, supporters of the punk band "Pussy Riot" went out to the streets. They organized a travelling exhibition, which toured on a bus along the Garden Ring, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

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