03 April 2012, 09:00

A flashmob with the demand of release of prisoners of conscience passed off in Baku

On April, 2, a group of activists of youth organization of “Musavat” party held a flashmob in Baku devoted to the anniversary of dispersal of an oppositional meeting in the capital of Azerbaijan. The participants of the action demanded release of the persons convicted for participation in the meeting last year. The action was dispersed by police riot squads.

The meeting of April, 2, 2011, was organized by “Civil movement for democracy “Public Chamber” (CVDPC) with the demand of political reforms, however, the police dispersed the action explaining that is was not authorized by the municipal authorities.

As a result of these events several groups of activists were sentenced to 1 to 3 years of custody. At present 14 persons convicted in connection with the meeting of April, 2, and other actions of protest last spring still remain in prison. All of them were acknowledged prisoners of conscience by international human rights organization “Amnesty İnternational”.

Yesterday, April, 2, about thirty activists of “Musavat” youth organization wearing white T-shirts with slogans “Freedom to prisoners of conscience!”, “Svoboda, Freedom!” held a silent procession in the center of Baku. They started from “Sakhil” metro station along the pedestrian Nizami (Torgovaya) street in the direction of Fountains square where the oppositional action passed off last year.

The procession lasted only five minutes: the riot squads that arrived dispersed the activists. During dispersal Mustafa Gajibeili, member of Majlis of “Musavat” party, and his nephew Aihan Gajibeili got injured. The latter was driven to one of the courtyards and beaten up by the policemen there.

According to Sakhavat Soltanly, Deputu Chairman of youth organization of “Musavat” party, the participants of the action demanded release of Head of the Apparat of “Musavat” party Arif Gajily, Head of youth organization of the party Tural Abbasly, his deputy Ahad Mamedli, activists of the party Ulvi Guliev and Rufat Gajibeili as well as members of “People’s Front of Azerbaijan” party (PFAP) Sahib Kerimov, Shakhin Gasanli, Muhammed Mejidli, Babek Gasanov, Arif Alyshly, Elnur Mejidli, Zulfagar Eivazly and human rights activist Vidadi Iskanderov  convicted for participation in the events of April, 2, 2011.

Press Service of the police of the capital explained that the action was dispersed because it was not authorized by the municipal authorities. However, the police refuted the information of beating the participants of the flashmob.

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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