03 April 2012, 21:00

Action against energy drinks held in Tskhinvali

Today, the central square of Tskhinvali hosted an action, where the participants protested against the spread by the retail network of South Ossetia of the so-called "energy drinks", as well as against sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors.

According to Georgiy Djidjoev, one of the organizers of the action, the use of energy drinks, such as "Jaguar", "Strike", "Screwdriver" and others, has a very negative impact on the moral and physical development of the younger generation.

"We urge entrepreneurs and workers of trading outlets of the republic to refrain from importing these harmful drinks into the republic. We appeal to the republic's leadership asking them to consider adoption of a law prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco to children. We will certainly address the parliament asking them to take the proper legislative measures on this matter, in the future were," said Djidjoev.

The action was attended by South-Ossetian law enforcers, the "Res" reports.

Earlier, as reported by the "RSOnews", Sergey Kokoev, the head of the foundation "Rebirth of Orthodoxy", has addressed entrepreneurs with an appeal to refuse importing energy drinks into South Ossetia.

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