03 April 2012, 06:00

Meeting of defrauded real estate investors held in Sochi

On April 2, about three hundred defrauded housing investors gathered in the resort city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, near their houses in Goleneva Street to discuss the plan of further actions: should their demands remain unsatisfied, they are ready to picket the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne.

The gathering lasted for two hours. According to the participants, on April 1 and 2 the territory of their township was visited by court marshals, who sealed up the houses. According to the marshals, the place will be used as the Olympic car park, and their houses are to be demolished by the decision of Judge Lavrik.

The defrauded investors insist that they were deceived several times: the developer collected the money, but failed to build the houses; the unfinished houses were resold several times during the construction phase. Later, it turned out that the building itself was illegal, and the houses are subject to demolition.

People were very much surprised that the illegality of the construction did not prevent delivering gas, water and electricity to the houses.

"Everything that happens in Goleneva Street is the result of corruption in power bodies," said Svetlana Nabokova, the coordinator of the movement "For the Right of Defrauded Housing Investors" in her interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

At their meeting, the defrauded real estate investors decided to take part in the rally on April 22, organized by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF). They also intend to go to Switzerland for their money and picket the headquarters of the IOC aiming to attract the attention of foreign mass media.

Author: Svetlana Kravchenko Source: CK correspondent

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