05 April 2012, 22:00

In North Ossetia, three children are still in hospital after poisoning in kindergarten

Three children are still taking their treatment at North-Ossetian hospitals after poisoning in kindergarten "Ivushka" in the village of Elkhotovo. Initially, 13 children were taken to hospital with symptoms of poisoning.

By the order of the head of North Ossetia Taimuraz Mamsurov, a group of medics has promptly set out from Vladikavkaz to the Kirov District to take urgent measures to normalize the situation after the poisoning in the kindergarten, the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" reports.

"To date, two children are still in the Kirov district hospital, and one child is in Vladikavkaz. All of them were hospitalized with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea and diagnosed with acute gastritis," the district hospital reports.

According to a source from that hospital, the kindergarten, where the poisoning happened, is checked by the "Rospotrebnadzor" (Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Supervision). However, today the kindergarten worked as usual, the "Interfax" reports.

"The 'Rospotrebnadzor' experts should figure out at what stage of children's nutrition a failure happened, and what measures must be taken at the level of local self-government to avoid similar incidents," the STRC (State TV and Radio Company) "Stavropolye" quotes its source from the press service of the head of the republic.

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