05 April 2012, 14:00

In Kazakhstan, native of Ingushetia goes on hunger strike in SIZO

Gapur Garchkhanov, a native of Ingushetia, kept at the SIZO of the city of Pavlodar in Kazakhstan, has announced hunger strike, demanding to cancel his illegal, in his opinion, verdict. His protest action was reported by his brother Magomed Garchkhanov.

The statement of Magomed Garchkhanov was posted by Magomed Mutsolgov, a human rights activist and the head of the human rights organization "MASHR", on his blog that he runs on the "Caucasian Knot".

The convict is sure that he had fallen victim to the arbitrariness of law enforcers, who put pressure on the jury, and of the judge himself. The very text of the sentence "was directly copied in parts from the indictment, which had been prepared by the bodies of preliminary investigation," said Magomed Garchkhanov.

The health condition of the convict, who is holding his hunger strike from February 25, causes fears in his relatives. Besides, according to his brother, he cannot even talk to Gapur when he visits the SIZO.

"The windows with double glasses are fencing the visitor off the inmate; while telephones do not work. I could not hear my brother; he could not speak loudly because his body is dehydrated as a result of the hunger strike. My request to stop the hunger strike was rejected. I am very concerned about his health, because he had problems with his heart and blood vessels," said Magomed Garchkhanov.

The cassation complaints against the verdict in this criminal case have been filed. In his appeals sent to the human rights organization "Amnesty International", "MASHR" and Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", Magomed Garchkhanov asks to help to defend his brother's rights.

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