09 April 2012, 21:00

In Stavropol, ecologists hold picket in support of forests

On April 8, in Square of the 200th anniversary of Stavropol, the activists of the movement "Ecological Patrol" held a picket aimed at drawing attention to the problem of the destruction of urban forests. At the picket, the activist collected signatures on an appeal to the top-ranking officials of the country.

In the square, the activists hung banners on the ropes, reading: "These are your deeds for good life and nature", "Builders, have a rest!", "Nature has its own laws!", "If you cut down a tree you must plant five trees!", "Let's save forests!", "Stop destroying environmental laws!", and other slogans. Besides, the activists hung computer-developed posters, copies of children's drawings devoted to environmental topics, and photos of felled trees in the vicinity of the city, made by the activists of the movement.

Andrei Evdokimov, the head of the "Ecological Patrol", told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the main purpose of the action was to collect signatures for the "Open Letter" to the President, the Prime Minister and the Chairpersons of both chambers of the Russian Federal Assembly.

In their letter, the activists-ecologists demand to tighten the existing forest and water protection legislation: in particular, to increase the administrative penalty and to introduce criminal penalties for unauthorized landfills in the forestland, and to prohibit any construction within the forest fund (including urban forestry).

According to Andrei Evdokimov, at present, the "Ecological Patrol" (summarizing the results of four pickets held in the period of January-April) has collected for appeals more than 700 signatures, and the activists will send the appeals to Moscow, when the number of signatories will be close to two thousand.

The next rally in Square of the 200th anniversary will be held on May 6.

Author: Konstantin Olshanskij Source: CK correspondent

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