Oleg Shein speaks to his supporters at an improvised rally. Astrakhan, April 10, 2012. Photo by Vyacheslav Yaschenko for the "Caucasian Knot"

10 April 2012, 18:00

The participants of the hunger strike in Astrakhan held an unauthorized action of protest

The participants of the hunger strike in Astrakhan protesting against the results of Mayor's election held an unauthorized street action which developed into a collision with supporters of the incoming Mayor Mikhail Stolyarov.

Today the strikers headed by Sheiyn and blogger Alexey Navalny who had come from Moscow left the building where the staff of the participants of the action was located but on coming out they met with the supporters of the winner of Mayor's election who also held their unauthorized action early in the morning. Several clashes occurred between the conflicting parties.

The policemen drawn up into a human chain separated the antagonists. The participants of the hunger strike headed by Sheiyn and Navalny started in the direction of the regional administration, RIA "Novosti" reports.

The police cordoned off the entrances of the building blocking the way to the protesters. After futile attempts to break through the police chain the participants of the hunger strike organized a makeshift meeting nearby where Sheiyn and Navalny spoke.

According to Ilia Barabanov, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the "New Times" journal, tents were set in one of the streets to which blogger Alexey Navalny called earlier. As a result, the police managed to destroy the tent camp, RBC reports.

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