Oleg Shein, speaking at the improvised rally during the meeting with the State Duma Deputies, who came to support the protest hunger-strikers, Astrakhan, April 10, 2012. Photo by Alexander Kozlov, http://ko-07.livejournal.com

11 April 2012, 19:00

Putin advised Sheiyn to settle the question of the results of the election in Astrakhan in court, not by means of a hunger strike

Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin declared that he did not comprehend why leader of Astrakhan branch of "Fair Russia" party Oleg Seiyn went on a hunger strike without appealing against the results of the election in court. Head of the Government made this statement during his speech in State Duma. After Putin's reply "Fair Russia" fraction left the assembly hall.

"If there are such gross violations that can impeach the results of the election then the court must bring the respective judgment of nullification of the election. But if the court finds no reasons for that one must accept the results", Putin declared answering a question from Elena Dropeko, representative of "Fair Russia" fraction.

"As far as I know, Oleg Seiyn went on the hunger strike without appealing to court. It is somewhat strange, to be frank. What is the use of a hunger strike? The court may still look into the matter and everyone will be satisfied with the results of its verdict", "Interfax" quotes Putin.

After Putin's reply "Fair Russia" fraction in banc left the assembly hall of State Duma, RIA "Novosti" reports.

"We were dissatisfied with Prime Minister's answer. When he says that he does not know the details… He was well aware of everything. We asked him to give his personal estimation of the events", Leader of "Fair Russia" Sergey Mironov said leaving the assembly hall.

Earlier, Central Election Committee declared that in spite of the violations that took place, CEC had no reasons to initiate nullification of the election.

On April, 10, Public prosecutor's office of Astrakhan region reported that five cases of administrative infraction were initiated upon the statement submitted by Head of Astrakhan branch of "Fair Russia" Oleg Seiyn concerning inquiry on the results of the election in Astrakhan. According to Public prosecutor's office, seven violations of the law during the election were found. However, Seiyn states that about 300 violations were registered during the election.

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