16 April 2012, 19:00

A local resident got injured during an explosion in Sochi

According to more precise data, an explosive device of about 200 gram trotyl equivalent power was activated near a shop in Sochi in the evening of April, 15. One person got injured, a source in law enforcement bodies of the city informed today.

Earlier, it was reported that there were no victims or injured people in the explosion that took place in Central district of the city at 21:40.

As a result of the explosion, an unemployed man passing by got wounded in his leg.

According to the source, the explosion of an unidentified explosive device had 200 gram trotyl volume and happened in Donskaya street, house No 50, near the back wall of the store "Good spirit".

A "Niva" car parked nearby, the walls of the store and the neighbouring dwelling house were damaged by the blast, RIA "Novosti" reports.

The unidentified explosive device was activated in the backyard of appliance shop "Del", "Max Portal" reports adding that a twenty-four-years-old resident of Sochi Viacheslav Okorokov got slightly wounded.

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