19 April 2012, 19:00

Convicted natives of Ingushetia in Russian colonies are asking Evkurov to facilitate their transfer to their republic

Natives of Ingushetia who are serving penalty in correctional facilities (CF) of Irkutsk and Kirov regions of the Russian Federation are asking Head of the republic Yunus-bek Evkurov to find an opportunity of building a colony in the territory of Ingushetia. They explain that they undergo oppression on ethnic grounds and seldom see their relatives because of financial problems.

"It is no secret that the attitude towards natives of the Caucasus, especially Ingushetia and Chechnya, is evidently prejudiced in CFs of Russia. We undergo oppression, mockery, humiliation and torture on ethnic grounds", the convicts' appeal runs.

The signers of the document emphasize that they have appealed to Ombudsman of Irkutsk region Ivan Zelent, Public prosecutor for supervision of observance of the law in penal institutions of Irkutsk region Boris Chris about these unlawful actions but their complaints were ignored.

The convicts also state that very few of their relatives who are generally poor can afford such a long journey to meet with them.

"We ask you to find an opportunity of building a colony in the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia for the Ingush convicts to be able to serve their penalty in our republic", the appeal posted on "Magas.ru" web-portal runs. The names and number of the signers were not made public.

The "Caucasian Knot" has yet no comments concerning the message from Evkurov's representatives or correctional facilities of Irkutsk and Kirov regions.

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