18 April 2012, 23:20

In Baku, journalist Idrak Abbasov severely beaten

Today, in Baku, Idrak Abbasov, a staff member of the Institute of Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS) and of the newspaper "Aina" (Mirror) was severely beaten. The incident happened at about 12:00 a.m. in a residential area of Sulu-Tepe in the village of Khodjasan of Binagadi District of Baku.

The journalist conducted filming of confrontation between local residents and security officers of the state-owned Oil Company SOCAR, who demolished houses, which, according to them, were built unlawfully. The Company SOCAR claims that those land plots are on the balance of the oil company.

"Several security officers of the Company SOCAR made a rush at Idrak. They took away his video camera, knocked him to the ground and started kicking. He was covered with blood, his head got bruises, and one of his eyes was fully closed. I ran and covered Idrak by myself; however, they started beaten me also," the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told by Roman Abbasov, the victim's brother.

He said that the incident took place near the house, where the journalist's parents live.

According to Abbasov, the police blocked the local residents and did not allow them to protect the journalist.

"We called an ambulance; however, the police did not let the doctors to approach our house, and we brought him in our car to the nearest hospital in Khodjasan," added the journalist's brother.

At present, Idrak Abbasov was delivered to the city clinical centre. According to his brother, he is unconscious. His relatives believe that the journalist got fractured ribs, a concussion and damages to his internal organs.

Doctors do not comment on the health status of the journalist, since he has just been delivered to the hospital and he is to undergo examination.

However, one of the hospital doctors, who preferred to remain anonymous, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that Idrak Abbasov got multiple contusions and bruises. According to the doctor, despite serious injuries and possible fractured ribs and brain concussion, there is no threat to the journalist's life. The reception unit of the city clinical centre reported that Idrak Abbasov was hospitalized with "traumatic brain injury."

Earlier, Abbasov and his family have been repeatedly subjected to threats and physical pressure.

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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