20 April 2012, 19:00

A picket with a demand of building an interchange passed off in Rostov-on-Don

A non-governmental movement "We do care!" held an action in Stachki prospect of Rostov-on-Don demanding construction of interchanges near the new bridge in Sieversa prospect.

Five persons came out to Stachki prospect with slogans on their posters: "We have a new bridge with old traffic jams", "We want a normal interchange", "Want a roadway? Sound your car horn to the Mayor".

In the opinion of the organizers of the picket, the problem of traffic jams can be solved with the help of new exits from Stachki prospect to Sieversa prospect. The new bridge cannot improve the situation without that.

"8,18 billion rubles were allotted on construction of the bridge and these interchanges were included into the general construction plan. They would let the flow or vehicles easily get from Krasnoarmeiskaya and Sadovaya to Stachki prospect and from there to the embankment", "Auto-rostov" quotes Vasily Sidorenko, leader of the organization "We do care!".

To Vasily Sidorenko's question to the municipal Administration why the above mentioned objects were not built, Department of Architecture and Town Planning replied that construction of exits from Stachki prospect was not provided for by the project documentation designed by "Construction Commercial Enterprise Giprodor Research Institute" public corporation.

"It is evident that the Research Institute is an executor only and it is up to the customer to decide on the details of the design", Sidorenko is sure.

The action passed off against the background of a traffic jam. The drivers were honking to the picketers approvingly and the picketers were distributing leaflets among them", "Rostov News Agency" reports.

It should be also reminded that that on April, 7, an action against pits on the roadways was held in Rostov-on-Don. It was organized by the "Left Front" movement.

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