13 June 2012, 21:00

In Volgograd, student and ex-lecturer of MIA Academy fined for bribery

The Volgograd Regional Court pronounced sentence to Andrei Anisimov, a former ex-lecturer of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), and Yuri Vorobyov, a former student of the department of corresponding studies, a former staff member of the MIA, accused of bribery. The defendants were fined for 125,000 and 200,000 roubles, respectively.

The court revealed that in June 2011, Yuri Vorobyov offered to pay Andrei Anisimov 5000 roubles and asked him to grade him and students of his group on the exam on the "History of home state and national law", and the lecturer agreed. This was told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent by Vladimir Shevchenko, Chief of the press service of the Regional Court.

"Each student had to 'chip in' 400 roubles," clarified Natalia Kunitskaya, Senior Assistant of the Chief of the Investigatory Department of the Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) in the Volgograd Region. She continued: "After collecting the money, the total sum of which amounted to 10,000 roubles, the Militia Master-Sergeant gave the teacher a half of it. After receiving the money, the teacher introduced in the record books and the exam sheet positive notes on the subject without actual testing of students' knowledge."

Andrei Anisimov was found guilty of committing the crime under Part 1 of Article 290 bribery, Yuri Vorobyov of committing the crime under Paragraph "a" of Part 4 of Article 291 mediation in bribery.

The Court has sentenced Andrei Anisimov for a penalty in the amount in 25 times exceeding the amount of the bribe, equal to 125,000 roubles. Yuri Vorobyov was fined for the amount of 200,000 roubles. Both of them were deprived of the right to hold positions in state bodies and bodies of local self-administration for a period of two years.

Author: Tatiana Filimonova Source: CK correspondent

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