29 April 2003, 19:18

The statement of the Monitoring Group of Azerbaijan Human Rights Organizations

Recent statements of a human rights defender Eldar Zeynalov about incorrect information on the destruction of Armenian graveyards by the authority bodies, and his attempts to build ?civil society? with separatist forces on the occupied territory of Azerbaijan have not caused a single meaning reaction among the public. The frequent cases of protest actions in front of the building of his organization is the public reaction to Eldar Zeynalov?s actins and replies, highlighted in national mass media outlets. However, these cases should not cause violence.

The Monitoring Group of the Human Rights Organizations does not recognize Eldar Zeynalov?s standpoint. At the same time, the Monitoring Groups calls the public to avoid any kind of violence against the organization, headed by Eldar Zeynalov.

The members of the Monitoring Group of Human Rights Organizations:

  1. Novella Jafarova ? chairwoman of the Association for Women?s Rights Protection after D.Aliyeva 
  2. Arzu Abdullayeva ? chairwoman of the Azerbaijan National Committee of International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 
  3. Saida Gojamanly ? director of the Bureau of Human Rights and Law Respect 
  4. Saadat Benanyarly ? chairwoman of the Azerbaijan National Group of International Society for Human Rights 
  5. Chingiz Ganizadeh ? the chairman of the Committee of Democracy and Human Rights 
  6. Sahib Mamedov ? the chairman of the Citizens? Labor Rights Protection League

Source: The Monitoring Group of Azerbaijan Human Rights Organizations

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