25 March 2013, 13:00

Flood affects 4060 people in Rostov Region

As a result of rising water in the Rostov Region, 136 houses inhabited by 223 people were flooded, the Russian Ministry for Emergencies (MfE) reports. Other 1741 households with a population of 3837 people are partly flooded.

On March 24, because of rising water in the Don River, a threat of partial flooding appeared in 13 dwelling settlements of the Azov and Neklinov Districts. The water level rose sharply in the Taganrog Bay and the Mertvy Donets River, causing also flooding in Taganrog and the Myasnikov District. By the evening, some of the settlements were flooded; and rescuers evacuated 320 residents. In the city of Azov and the Azov District, the state of emergency was announced.

In total, the flooding area has affected 5101 people and 2324 households in 21 dwelling settlements in the region; all the applications for evacuation of local residents have been fulfilled, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told at the Department for Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies of the Rostov Region.

At about 11:00 p.m. Moscow time, on March 24, the wind died, and the situation began stabilizing.

Author: Olesya Dianova Source: CK correspondent

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