Inessa Tarverdieva giving testimony. Rostov Region, September, 2013. Photo from video materials of Rostov MIA press service.

20 September 2013, 10:44

Figurants in the case of attacks on policemen in Rostov Region are charged with 30 murders

Investigators have accused the alleged members of the gang, which operated in the Rostov Region, of killing 30 local residents and policemen.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that at night on September 8 at the exit from the city of Aksai a skirmish burst out, in which a policeman Ivan Shakhov was shot dead by the attackers; and his partner Alexei Lagoda was wounded. There were two attackers: a man was killed; and a woman was wounded and managed to escape; however, later she was found and detained together with her mother. Later, investigators reported a disclosure of a grouping, the members of which have confessed to 18 murders committed in the territory of the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal Districts.

According to investigators, the grouping comprised Roman Podkopaev, who was killed in the shootout, his common-law wife Inessa Tarverdieva, 46, her 25-year-old daughter Victoria, who was wounded in the shootout, all residents of the settlement of Divny, Stavropol Territory, and residents of the Rostov Region Anastasia Sinelnik, Podkopaev's sister, and her husband, a former GIBDD (traffic police) inspector Sergey Sinelnik.

All four detainees have been charged under Articles 209 (banditry), 317 (attempt on the life of a law enforcer) and 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, writes the website of the ICRF (Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation).

Author: Tatiana Gantimurova Source: CK correspondent

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