04 February 2015, 13:52

Azerbaijan: movement "Nida" claims Abdul Abilov, imprisoned social networks activist, is under pressure

Abdul Abilov, a prisoner of the Azerbaijani Colony No. 13, who criticized the Azerbaijani authorities and who was convicted on charges of drug possession, was placed into the dungeon for "having a lunch with a political prisoner", the civil movement "Nida" announces.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has been told by Ulvi Gasanli, a board member of the movement "Nida", that on January 24, Abdul Abilov was placed into the dungeon for one day, and there, he was subjected to physical pressure.

"There, in the penal colony, prisoners can move freely around the area during the day. So, Abdul Abilov had a lunch with Anar Mamedli. However, he was punished for that. Abdul has been told that 'political' prisoners cannot communicate with each other and that he gets one day in the dungeon for communication with Anar Mamedli at lunch. Moreover, Abdul was treated rudely there, and he was subjected to physical pressure," Ulvi Gasanli has said.

The statement released by the movement "Nida" emphasizes that "at Colony No. 13, administration treat prisoners very roughly and introduce various unlawful bans and restrictions." "We demand to stop such arbitrariness," claims the statement of the movement "Nida".

The movement "Nida" has called on the Ministry of Justice, the Penitentiary Service and other relevant bodies to investigate the situation in Colony No. 13.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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