A silhouette. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent

05 June 2017, 10:15

Gay from Dagestan describes his escape from Russia

People with unconventional sexual orientation are subjected to persecution not only in Chechnya, but also in other regions of Northern Caucasus. A homosexual who fled to Turkey from Dagestan reported how he was blackmailed by law enforcers in his homeland.

A native of Dagestan, living in Turkey, who introduced himself as Ruslan, has claimed that in his homeland, many gays, being subjected to violence and humiliation, are forced to work for the law enforcement agencies. He himself fell victim to blackmail after his friend was subjected to pressure from the law enforcers and gave them a record made by a hidden video camera. At the FSB, the young man was shown a compromising material collected against him. In exchange for silence, they offered him to work in Syria.

Ruslan decided to flee Russia, since he did not want to go to war in Syria and work for the FSB. At home, he survived poisoning and an attempt of fabrication of a criminal case against him.

The young man has said that after the article published by the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta" about the persecution of gays in Chechnya, he contacted his acquaintances in the republic, and they told that they were very frightened.

Let us remind you that the authorities of the Chechen Republic declare there are no gays in republic.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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