Magomed Khazbiev in the court. Photo by Umar Yovloi for the Caucasian Knot

23 October 2018, 10:59

Khazbiev rejects advocates' services

The Ingush oppositionist Magomed Khazbiev has refused from the services of advocates Kheda Ibrieva and Andrei Sabinin. The judge has satisfied his motion and offered a state defender, if Khazbiev fails to find n advocate.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Khazbiev is accused of illegal possession of firearms and insulting a power official, as well as of inciting enmity and hatred towards a social group. Khazbiev refuses to plead guilty and points to the political background of his case.

At the October 22 court session, Magomed Khazbiev made a statement about his refusal of the services of advocates Kheda Ibrieva and Andrei Sabinin.

"I have a motion ... My advocates did everything possible and impossible to prove that my case was fabricated. I decided to refuse from the services of Ibrieva and Sabinin," Mr Khazbiev told the court.

The judge gave him a five-day period to find another advocate. He asked the defendants about the reason of his decision. "Have they defended you badly?" he asked.

"There are other advocates who will take up the case within a week," Khazbiev answered.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on October 23, 2018 at 03:22 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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