31 January 2019, 14:51
In 2018, North Ossetia regains its position of a peaceful region in armed conflict zone
In 2018, in the territory of North Ossetia, no one fell victim to the ongoing armed conflict in Northern Caucasus. Meanwhile, in 2017, nine persons fell victim to the conflict. These are the results of the calculations run by the "Caucasian Knot" based on its own materials and information from other open sources.
As a rule, the main indicator of the intensity of an armed conflict is the number of victims ‑ killed and wounded people ‑ during armed clashes and armed incidents, as well as bombings and terror acts. However, the very number of such cases is no less important and informative.
Armed incidents
January-December 2018
In 2018, no armed incidents were registered in North Ossetia.
January-December 2017
In 2017, four armed incidents were registered in the region, and nine persons fell victim. Of them, five were killed and other four were injured. The death toll includes four suspected militants and one law enforcer. Three other law enforcers and one civilian were injured.
Bombings and terror acts
January-December 2018
In 2018, no bombings and terror acts were registered in North Ossetia.
January-December 2017
In 2018, no bombings and terror acts were registered in the territory of the region.
Results of 2018: situation in region becomes calm again
Due to the fact that in 2018, no victims to the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus were registered in the territory of North Ossetia, it is possible to report about stabilization of the situation in the republic after a sharp increase in the number of victims in 2017, when there were nine of them. The absence of any armed incidents in North Ossetia in 2018 in comparison with four such cases in 2017 also proves the calm situation in the region.
The provided statistics cannot reflect the number of victims with the 100 percent accuracy. Not all information is included in the news reports. It is not always possible to check the reliability of the statements voiced by the law enforcement bodies. Besides, new facts about the events of the reporting period become often known after the statistics had been already published on the "Caucasian Knot".
This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on January 29, 2019 at 00:07 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.
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