18 February 2019, 23:03
Week of February 11-17 passed without victims of armed conflict in Northern Caucasus
There is no information about the casualties and victims of the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus, registered during the week of February 11-17, 2019. These are the results of the calculations run by the "Caucasian Knot" based on its own materials and information from open sources.
Detentions in Chechnya and Dagestan
On February 11, law enforcers detained three young men in Chechnya. According to their relatives, all the three are residents of the dwelling settlement of Tersky; they knew each other. Law enforcers failed to explain the reasons for the detention, while their relatives said that they had not been aware of the young men's whereabouts for a long time. On February 16, it became known that one of the detainees was released.
On February 15, policemen conducted a prophylactic raid near the mosque located in Omarov Street in Makhachkala. Law enforcers inspected cars and stopped passersby at the mosque; two parishioners were detained. One of them had no documents on him; he was taken to the police station; the other believer showed his passport, but policemen wanted to check its authenticity. Besides, the policemen were interested in the knife of the detainee. Prophylactic activities were also held in several other streets, the Dagestani Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) has reported.
This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 18, 2019 at 01:31 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.